😘🤔Dating 101: What Actually Works With Women😘🤔

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Ditch the interview questions. Stop asking about her job, hobbies, and weekend plans like you're reading from a script. Make real observations, share quick stories, create natural back-and-forth.

Learn to hold solid eye contact. Not creepy staring, not constantly looking away. Find that sweet spot where you're confident but normal. This one skill changes how women respond instantly.

Stop the nice guy act. Being polite is fine, but stop agreeing with everything she says. Have real opinions, create some playful tension, show you've got your own mind.

Master physical space basics. Don't hover at the edges of rooms looking lost. Move with purpose, take up space naturally, let women enter your zone instead of chasing them.

Get your voice under control. Not fake deep, not nervous high pitch. Find your natural speaking voice, slow down your words, and stop trying to fill every silence with nervous chat.

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Andrew McLaurin
