If A Man REALLY Likes You He’ll Do THESE Things
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– When a man falls in love with you
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– Dating coach for women
– Communicating with men
– Understanding men
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– If A Man REALLY Likes You, He'll Do THESE Things
Good morning Jonathon
🌞 Buenos dias, Jonathon and Teresa 🤗
Great video and book suggestions. I’m reading self-love. I “interviewed” a guy who right out said, I don’t want to care for anyone. I like being al ok ne”. I thought how tragic it was to blatantly say this to me. However. In retrospect; he’s a man who knows what he wants. Not a grower. User? Spender? I’m repulsed. This is someone in my “tribe.” It’s like finding out your neighbor likes to swing cats by the tail! Perhaps the tribe is not the ideal community to dive into, and it’s best to let it be.
I saw my father once or twice a year when I was a child, my parents were divorced, he showed up only when he was drunk, ultimately I married a very selfish man as well, that marriage produced 2 children and a divorce after 6.5 years, he cheated, lack of sex on my part, he did nothing for me, never helped around the children, so why would stay interested in sex with him, ewe
This man and I got to know each other for a year then started dating, we dated for a year and 2 months, I ended up breaking up with him because, he would lie about insignificant things. If he asked my opinion about something or asked my advice, If he didn’t like my answer or advice he would have childish behavior…almost like a child having a temper tantrum… and when things got real, or difficult he fled…
“….relatively attached” This is the perfect phrase for the relationship that Jonathan constantly discusses & touts as ideal. One foot in. That means a cerebral connection where the couples read books by the Gottmans, believes that folks are secure vs insecure & can study & earn the theorist’s idealized grade, & go thru Therapy where the crazy are ….”reprogrammed.”
There’s no mirror here to see how undesirable that path is & how silly it is. It’s a point of view or a brainwashing of sorts more so than a sales pitch.
Feeling is first, folks. All else is secondary. You can’t think your way thru loving another. Doesn’t work that way & is undesirable anyway. Who wants to be w someone who goes thru theoretical formalities yet has no real feelings for you — someone who is “relatively attached?”
I have just paused to write this: when you said to the time is 11:11, I looked and it said 21:21.. A bit weird, I will be all ears from now 😅