7 Phrases Girls Say When They’ve Slept With a Lot of Men (Psychology Facts About Women)

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7 Phrases Girls Say When They’ve Slept With a Lot of Men (Psychology Facts About Women)

If a woman has been with a lot of men, she won’t always tell you directlyβ€”but she will leave hints in the way she talks. And once you know these 7 key phrases, you’ll never have to wonder again.

You may have stumbled onto today's video because you're looking advice on the following topics: Signs she likes you, signs a girl is hitting on you, does she like me, does she want me to make a move, and many more along a similar theme. Today's video is all about spotting the signs she wants you to take the lead and make a move.

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πŸ’ŒWhat did you think of today's video? Do you know of any other tips for noticing when a girl is hitting on you? Comment below and let us know. I try my best to respond to as many comments as possible!

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✨Signs a girl wants you to notice her

✨How do girls flirt? Learn 19 female flirting signs

✨Psychology of ignoring a woman

✨Signs a girl likes you:

✨17 Signs she wants to be your girlfriend

✨How to know if a girl likes you

✨28 Body language signs she likes you

✨13 Signs she's always thinking about you
✨15 Best questions to ask a girl

✨Seduction – how to tell if a girl is trying to seduce you

✨How to tell if a woman is checking you out

✨How to make a girl miss you

✨How to make her chase you

✨32 Weirdest traits women find attractive

✨How to make her obsessed with you

✨10 Signs she wants to kiss you

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Andrew McLaurin

  • @geethamadhuri4.033 says:


  • @liudizzle says:

    This is not what I wanted to hear

  • @NewDawnFadesX says:

    *Made for the streets*.

  • @oroville12345 says:

    304s everywhere.

  • @tnix80 says:

    Guy friends is such a red flag they listed it twice πŸ˜‚

  • @Steven-w7f7o says:

    Why do girls ask about me to our mutual friend when I send a friend request ?

  • @timarndt6342 says:

    And she says it with a smile on her face and a glint in her eyes,,,,,ask me how I know.

  • @jfdominique5076 says:


  • @conradsealy9603 says:

    In short,shes community property. She belongs to the streets. Duely noted. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

  • @stefanopatsiuras2838 says:

    I’m having a flashback of the females I’ve been with.. now I’m disgusted I’m gonna retire as a monk

  • @donato0909 says:

    I’m was 56 and a beautiful lady a little older than me told me , β€˜I date easy’ . I chuckled , I thought it was actually cute . I don’t really care how much experience a woman has.

  • @Bornsorich225 says:

    Love is the greatest giftπŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰β€β€

  • @tag_76 says:

    Some guys are about to find out a sad reality about their own wife.

  • @VaudevillianVeteran-u4g says:


  • @anamericanpatriot5230 says:

    I am old enough and learned at an early age by watching and listening to the men around me and their interactions with women and their divorces that if a woman states any of these mentioned phrases plus about a dozen more I walk away and will not even allow a friendship to sprout as I do not want the drama fallout or have it affect the future relationship I will have with my future spouse.


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  • @VikramthakorPadevadiya says:

    just finished reading the 5D Reunion Protocol book and wow… Luna Masters explains why traditional twin flame methods weren’t working for me. the quantum timeline chapter is mind-blowing

  • @mohanbansal282 says:

    grateful i found the 5D Reunion Protocol book. Luna Masters’ explanation of 5d quantum mechanics really helped me understand what’s happening with my twin flame connection

  • @PrasantaKumarMohanta-l4u says:

    reading the 5D Reunion Protocol book by Luna Masters changed everything about my twin flame journey. she explains the quantum mechanics behind union in a way that finally makes sense

  • @SarbjotSingh-un3pg says:

    been studying twin flames for years but this book, the 5D Reunion Protocol, opened my eyes. Luna Masters breaks down the science of timeline collapse in a way i’ve never seen before

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