Andrew McLaurin

  • @devinjeffrey275 says:

    We all have to learn how to stand up for ourselves! Great stuff!!!

  • @NarcSurvivor says:

    If you stand up to a narcissist, it can make them really mad. Brace yourself, for you never know how they may react.

    • @jodycasey6936 says:

      Mine has all this constant simmering anger on the inside covered up by a smile and a seemingly harmless outward personality. Itโ€™s all a game. Heโ€™s a sadist.
      My only saving grace is his Internet activity. He cant feed his flesh enough. Heโ€™s angry that I donโ€™t compliment him 24/7

    • @idid138 says:

      I stood up to my “best friend” when she was preparing to get married and had become a real bridezilla. She wasn’t used to that… I was supposed to be her maid of honor, I planned her shower invited all the guests etc. I even tried to apologize to her for the sake of our 20 year friendship, but she had thrown me under the bus to all her family & our friends and we never spoke again. I mourned the loss, but I was also relieved, because I had been dealing with a narcissist husband & had my fill of bad treatment & neediness. It’s been 10 years now and I still miss her from time to time, because she was a lot of fun and got me out of my shell a bit. I really don’t think I’ll ever become involved with another narcissist again, because of having my fill, my radar is pretty sensitive now.

    • @AnnaD25 says:

      Yes, and then they seek out their flying monkeys to create more drama! It is an endless cycle

  • @santamusicaaa says:

    I just want to take a moment to thank you. Your support meant so much when I was stuck in that abusive relationship. Today, I can truly say Iโ€™m healing. I still have flashbacks and triggers, but little by little, Iโ€™m learning, growing, and getting stronger every day.

  • @AmeliaVonBarlow says:

    Oh, I canโ€™t wait to watch this. My true story of standing up to a narcissist was that my ex was a cop. When I stood up to him, I ended up with seven felonies, nine psychiatric exam exams, two years worth of court and five weeks in jail all because I was the victim of his abuse. But now itโ€™s about to go public, so letโ€™s hope we start seeing him slinking away with all of his other narcissistic cop friends who helped him out.

    • @m.maclellan7147 says:

      This is why I would never EVER date a cop ! Too many control freaks & Narcs!

    • @caroleminke6116 says:

      Good luck! Bad cops control too much in our toxic culture but the truth will out! Stick to authenticity & youโ€™ll win!

    • @thesingerintheshower says:

      Yes ๐ŸŽ‰

    • @Happy_crab630 says:

      My ex thought he was a cop but he was a c.o. And he used to call cops on me and also get orders of protection just to control me. He was financially abusive, a cheater, liar. Used to file divorce papers to keep me in line and meanwhile I wasnโ€™t doing anything untoward, just taking care of my four kids. So the last time he filed papers as a scare tactic I took him up on it and we are now divorced and I donโ€™t have to deal with that alcoholic narcissistic abuser any longer.

    • @marysisak2359 says:

      God bless you. I am so sorry. You are not alone nor crazy.

  • @Jacob_Gust says:

    When you stand up to a narcissist they will always turn it around to make you look like the antagonist and theyโ€™ll create the illusion to where it looks like theyโ€™re standing up to you and theyโ€™ll do it in front of people trying to look like theyโ€™re assertive and confident.

  • @notagain779 says:

    ๐Ÿ˜‚ I LOVE that coffee shop prank. EXCELLENT!!

  • @ArtNLuv444 says:

    Toaster sales guy learned to ask about colors and price range instead of personal finance questions that day!!

  • @ninjah8088 says:

    Hi Dr Ramani, I’m a 50 year old 1st generation born Indian American and I’m currently in a big fight with my narcissistic parents. Especially the mother who is giving me the silent treatment since last year. Now they expect me to celebrate my birthday with them in Vegas. Trips paid for. Dad cares more about money than anything else yet he denies it. I told them very strongly that if I do not get an apology from them AND you have to say that you love me otherwise I’m NOT going to Vegas. Mother never said ‘I love you’ to me before in the 50 years I’ve been alive. I’m so mad from the built up abuse that I do not even care if they die anymore before we reach a resolution. In fact, I will feel relieved once they are both gone. Seems terrible to say but it’s not. I finally value myself enough to never put up with this treatment again. They MUST apologize sincerely otherwise they will no longer get their way with me. I’m DONE. โค

  • @ellieramseyer says:

    Sounds like the boss is a queen bee who thinks she has an indentured servant working for her.; poor kids, their mother is probably a nightmare.

  • @BearfootBob says:

    Narcissism must have been rarer pre-civilization, there were more direct ways of dealing with such people.

  • @txspacemom765 says:

    My ex became INFURIATED when I started returning the energy he gave me. Within 2 WEEKS, he said I was being mean and that I needed to be medicated. HAHAHAHAHA! Hello Mirror!

  • @MarySiddall says:

    Nanny’s boss is behaving dreadfully – is she jealous of the nanny’s relationship with her children as well as being entitled and selfish? Nanny sounds wonderful and kind.

    • @idid138 says:

      Probably! I don’t doubt that, boss lady called the lovely nanny back, when she needed her desperately.

  • @dk5755 says:

    I had to miss my one grandmaโ€™s funeral because of a job!
    And I lost another job when my other grandma died a week prior to my holidays that were booked months in advance. As I was leaving for the funeral my boss told me sheโ€™d have to cancel my holidays if I went to the out-of-town funeral and missed 2 days (which I was entitled to 3 days for bereavement leave), simply due to the timing. I felt like saying to her, โ€œIโ€™m sorry, but my grandma didnโ€™t know when my holidays were booked and she neglected to time her passing better to suit my officeโ€™s needs.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ก

  • @trussme3210 says:

    I see the “good” in goodbye…. not easy, but when confronted with a narc that will keep your sanity intact.

  • @khanhnguyen-kg9ei says:

    Not all mothers are loving mothers. Itโ€™s very hard to justify that.

  • @marysisak2359 says:

    I have story to share. When I retired I started volunteering at a non profit. It was run primarily by women my age or older. Perhaps because I was a career, never married, no kids woman whereas all the others were or had been married and all had kids, or they never liked me, I never either fit in or was accepted. I stayed volunteering there far longer than I should have. The breaking point was after the manager said very rude comments to me. Yesterday I ran into one of the women that had been fairly nice to me and we started a conversation. Like me, she is elderly and going through family conflicts. I made a statement that Dr. Ramani has said many times – there is no virtue in being someone else’s punching bag. At that statement, the tone of the conversation changed and it ended fairly soon. I had not tied that statement to the non profit but I suspected the woman I was speaking to had. I got the impression that she thought people should just suck it up or that people somehow had an obligation to take this crap from people. I left the conversation feeling about the same way I had everyday that I left after volunteering there.

  • @staciepickett6199 says:

    Dr. Ramani you are doing Godโ€™s work. This video was therapeutic and inspiring. Itโ€™s a big help to hear these kind of stories. I hope you continue to share more of these with us. Thank you for all you do.

  • @SmidgeofSnow-Kim says:

    Family can be horribleโ€ฆ.. itโ€™s unexpected so damagingโ€ฆleaves a trail of trauma. Iโ€™m old and still not over it, I cut all ties now 11 years. Itโ€™s a daily effort to keep what they did boxed away and keep positive thoughts and visuals around me. Thank you, Dr. Ramani for all your videos that have helped me on this long journey.

  • @idid138 says:

    I think the friend who brought up the other friend’s inheritance, was JEALOUS. Jealous, that she herself has to maybe make payments or feel beholden to her own parents.

  • @skdammit says:

    about the nanny one:
    if you’re working for a mom whose kids really love you, you can be in danger of her wanting to get rid of you because she’s jealous because they love you… she may have in fact been looking forward to this moment (for seven months!) because she had no other excuse

    • @deanadutcher5877 says:

      Yikes! Thatโ€™s scary and cringey for so many reasons. Especially if sheโ€™s intensely narcissistic. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

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