5 Things Men Do That Keep Them Chronically Single

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Andrew McLaurin

  • @itzadam4826 says:

    I value my peace more than being with someone. These days, home is the only place that I can have true peace.

  • @Shawn-oh5yq says:

    Come on, don’t lecture us on “dating norms”. If you’re attractive enough to a particular woman, you don’t need to put in much effort or focus on “norms”. A woman isn’t going to pick an average guy that’s putting in effort when she has access (via dating apps and instagram) to someone more attractive or higher status who doesn’t need to put in effort. I think a lot of guys stop caring or putting in effort when they realize women will reject them for any arbitrary reason despite putting effort into dates, etc. And no, this is not “negative feelings towards women”, it’s just the reality of trying to date as a man in 2025.

  • @CourtneyRyan says:

    Let our sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you – all from the comfort of your own home. Visit https://betterhelp.com/courtneyryan and enjoy a special discount on your first month.

  • @WileeRunner42 says:

    I thing I learned is that dating is like real estate. It’s all about location, location, location with presentation. Like going to an open house where they’ve staged furniture and cooked some cookies in oven. It’s still 100% the house, just a nice presentation showcasing strengths that is better than it being an empty house that hasn’t been lived in for a couple months.

    • @cringocringo says:

      Yeah playing games and giving false first impressions seem to at least get guys in the door. Saw ppl doing that from an early age and “got the ick”. Well, been single for a long time.

  • @MrBlue3rd says:

    I refuse to play the game and I have been single 20 plus years. I have a problem with it knowing it’s a performance show meant to give women the upper hand and power to reject you.

    • @Yawski-h5y says:

      agreed.it’s march 2025 and her rhetoric falls on deaf ears

    • @culcune says:

      I saw a YT short the other week with two attractive women in Amsterdam that were interviewed. They lamented that men no longer approach them at bars, and even acknowledged that it was probably due to men sick and tired of getting rejected. But they were STILL insisting that men should be approaching them, regardless, as in ‘just to see what might possibly happen’. I am like you–no thanks, my ego and self-esteem are in the dumpster (plus I am ‘short’ at 5’7″) as it is, so NO THANKS; I am not going to contribute to a pretty woman’s big ego when I know there is zero chance that I will get anywhere with them. I’d rather use my money on rental women…

    • @nitrofurano_ says:

      actually a huge problem!

    • @jazzyjake99 says:

      You donโ€™t think men reject women? We do it all the time by choosing not to approach certain women. I know I certainly have done that. Men just face direct rejection to advances, while women face indirect, often silent rejection from men.

    • @darktitan8085 says:

      If you refuse to play the game, you refuse to play the game, that’s it. Arbitrary black and white explanations of being against the game are then irrelevant, because it’s looking like a “don’t have it so I’ll hate it” type explanation.

  • @roycethompson3386 says:

    In my experience, location has been a huge determining factor in singleness. I used to live in NYC, and I met new people every day and wasnโ€™t single the 5 years I was there. Here in Seattle, completely different story. Everyone is booโ€™d up and the few that arenโ€™t are cold and distant. Self reflection and improvement are always great, but some factors are not entirely under your control

  • @retrorecall says:

    @0:30 show interest but no intent. Be confident and decisive
    @2:12 waiting for relationship to fix you.
    @5:10 prioritizing comfort over growth. Doing same thing every year vs challenging yourself and growing
    @6:59 you think you’re too good for the game
    @8:54 negative feelings towards women/dating/marriage etc

    • @alexeecs says:

      Is the first one show interest and intent?

    • @467076 says:

      @@alexeecs you show interest but no intent.

    • @heathwilliams9754 says:

      I always appreciate when people do this for us. This way I can quickly read the main points and not have to hear a long drawn out explanation. Thank you!

    • @slylockfox85 says:

      The video is a textbook display of why you don’t take dating advice from them. You know what makes it easy to be “decisive?” When you already know the person likes you. Many of them play these dumb games and are just as equally ambiguous. As a result, no man is going to risk asking someone out in a work or friend group setting where it could make things awkward. So they only other option is cold approaches and that doesn’t work well either unless a man is very attractive.

    • @yungboss4556 says:

      @@heathwilliams9754I hate when they take too long to get to the point and then ramble on each one it’s hard to find what the points are

  • @Handsomebwonderful1984 says:

    I donโ€™t fear rejection, I just donโ€™t like the stupid games women play these days. I donโ€™t have time for this crap anymore. Iโ€™d rather focus on what I want and what makes me happy. Dating in 2025 is garbage.

  • @tjbroussard3524 says:

    “She should just accept me as I am”

    I don’t think guys are the one saying that.
    But yes doing the wrong thing won’t work.

    • @npdm2417 says:

      She will accept you as you are if you’re 6’5 25 year model-looking billionaire with 9″+ size. If any of these are missing she may skip you in favor of someone else.

    • @dylzp says:

      Yeah the irony of Courtney saying that is that Iโ€™ve never heard or seen a man say that ever. I have heard and seen many women say that though. The irony is crazy.

    • @bolt-dbtfg says:

      men put it differently : “Fvck me! Or Fvck you!”

    • @cringocringo says:

      Mmm I mean, I think my mindset was kinda like this early on. Not necessarily that I shouldn’t change, but the concept of just being myself and that I would just come across someone who liked me for who I am. It’s been 20+ years, hasn’t happened yet lol. Requires playing games apparently. But yeah that’s definitely more of an American woman mindset 100%.

    • @LordBenjaminSalt says:

      That’s a piece of advice people often give (incuding Courtney in some of her other videos), that you should find somebody who accepts and appreciates who you are, and that you shouldn’t need to change yourself or pretend to be somebody you’re not.
      I can definitely see why people end up thinking that.

  • @mauricebrew7712 says:

    This advice would be on point if social media and dating apps didn’t exist

  • @MikeHunt-h5c says:

    I’m 41 and I have never met a woman that is more beautiful than freedom.

  • @byteblock1667 says:

    I turned 49 on March 4th. I’ve never had one girlfriend before and it’s not from lack of effort. I’ve been rejected so many times being told to go away, you’re not my type, I don’t think we’re a good match, you don’t make enough money, you’re ugly, you’re a loser, I’m a lesbian, I’m married, I have a boyfriend etc……I’ve heard it all.

    I don’t want to be labeled as a pushy overbearing toxic control freak needy clingy creepy psycho stalker weirdo for not accepting rejection. I don’t know what else to do.

    • @SaulidSnake says:

      Donโ€™t force it and donโ€™t give up.

    • @Andrew--S says:

      @@SaulidSnake Are you 49 and never had a girlfriend? Did that advice work for you? Easier said than done. Constant rejection will break anyone. Not giving up means at some point you make the ‘sunk cost fallacy’.

    • @s3cr3tstoldhere says:

      maybe God was saving you from a nightmare life – divorce, etc. Count your belssings.

    • @EtoCobra says:

      @@SaulidSnake Nah, at this point, he should give up. If he didn’t experience female nature all these years, then there is a high chance that he will be fatally screwed over.

    • @danilaroche1156 says:

      Give it to the Lord. He can help you find a great lady!

  • @aussiekid3588 says:

    We don’t fear rejection anymore, we fear wasting our time and being with a person and in a relationship that makes us feel more lonely and sad than when we were single.
    So many women get told and tell us they deserve to be married and with someone and deserve happiness.
    I’ve never heard a male say that in my entire life.
    For almost all women, relationships are all about me me me me me and what I get out of it.
    The other half of the relationship is disposable and replaceable

  • @aaronaustrie says:

    Being single is better than being in a toxic relationship!

    • @Andrew--S says:

      It would be nice if i experienced a relationship for once in my life. Even if it is a toxic relationship.

    • @sirizalot says:

      @@Andrew–S Honestly, I totally get that. Experiences, even bad ones, are valuable. And it would be nice to at least know that you _can_ do it, which you’ll only know for sure once it has happened. Keep your head up, king. Wishing you the best of luck with finding the right person.

    • @Andrew--S says:

      @@sirizalot Thanks. I’m 38 years old so i’ll need all the luck. Being constantly rejected & ghosted eats my soul.

    • @FreestyleAllTheWay-ik4gm says:

      @@Andrew–S itโ€™s much better to be single than to be in a toxic relationship. Being in a relationship with a good woman is wonderful. Being in a toxic relationship is really lousy.

    • @EJ257IHI says:

      @@Andrew–S I’m 45 and never experienced one. I also know many people who have not experienced many of the things I have. If it’s not in your destiny, it is NOT, and no force in the world will change it. I made my peace with it and I sleep and function very well.

  • @rumrunner8019 says:

    5 things that keep men chronically single:
    1: *Being under 6 foot 6*
    2: *Making under 100K/year*
    3: *Not having a six pack*
    4: *Not being emotionally telepathic*

    • @RICKYY1100 says:

      Don’t buy into the myth that women from foreign countries are different than American women. Women are women regardless of what country they were raised in. Just look at the huge community of Philippino women in San Diego, they married sailors to get to the U.S. and then divorced them. And, Philippino women are some of the meanest women I’ve ever met.

  • @williamottersberg6684 says:

    When you feel happy , confident and fulfilled, you donโ€™t want someone telling you what to do or spend your money.

    • @vitkomusic6624 says:

      You do…. If youre in relation. You basically plan together.

    • @Swearengen1980 says:

      @@vitkomusic6624 And most women do not tell you what to do or how to spend your money. That’s hyperbole born of tiktok, not the real world.

  • @swlc5555 says:

    Listening to this, one would get the impression that 95% of women are grounded in reality, kind, affectionate, totally into lifetime commitment and never divorcing, who just want a good man who displays confidence and takes care of himself. Just so long as you’re confident, take care of yourself, have a great financial career and look like Zac Efron…and even then divorcing you is no problem if she doesn’t feel the tingles anymore.

  • @Andrew--S says:

    I’m a 38 year old man. When i’ve dated with intent it made women ghost me and run away. Then i would not be as intent and they would still ghost and run away. At some point the rejections & ghostings pile up.

    Courtney has ‘survivorship bias’. She has made it successfully thru dating.

    I wonder if she’ll ever invite men on to explain how soul crushing it is to be used for free meals or to be dumped for the lamest reasons.

    • @Cee_Eff says:

      Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately it’s not part of the narrative

    • @Shadenium says:

      Perfectly said.

    • @jasons6021 says:

      That’s why never do dinner on a first date. Go meet up for a coffee or something else inexpensive. That always weeds out the women who are looking to use men for a free dinner.

    • @seriousjan5655 says:

      I hear you. Just for fun, let’s explore other corners of this area. How many women you dated to put out statistics about behavior of ALL women? That what you see on the internet is literally most extreme sample used to create most viral content to make as much money as possible. Next, I can imagine, different statistic sample is going to be in the middle of USA or in some community compared to NY or LA for instance. There is more (I am thinking about it at least decade), but let’s keep it short.
      I am not trying to prove your experience wrong, I am trying to offer other angles to look at that.

    • @drewg7441 says:

      Bingo. Courtney, to no fault of her own (she’s not a man), has no idea what the current dating landscape looks like.

  • @TurnipPower110 says:

    It can’t be said women today aren’t also part of the problem though. They ghost if you show “too much” interest after the first date, (aka we exchanged 3-4 msgs per day). They ghost if you don’t show enough interest. They ghost if they meet a guy with more perceived status the following week. They feel zero guilt about any of this. It has destroyed my self esteem and I need to stop doing this to myself in the false hope the next one also won’t find some pretext.

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