5 Things Men Do That Keep Them Chronically Single
😏😎😍5 Psychological Triggers That Make Her Want You Back😍😎🤔
5 Evidence Based Tips To Help You Find A Relationship
The Dating App Experience For Men vs. Women
The non-charismatic narcissist
😘😍She’ll Want To Have Sex With You After Showing Her These Traits😘😍
7 Questions Girls Ask When Testing If You’re Interested In Them (If You Like Her, Respond With THIS)
😅➡😎5 Ways To Appear Confident Even When You’re Freaking Out😅➡😎
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Number one
Man I like my peace I was married once never NEVER again 😂
I agree with this, but this can also imply to why women complain they are single. Since a lot of them expect men to do everything possible to keep a relationship intact, which should not be the case. A relationship takes two, not one✌🏼
Yes, the man is typically expected to initiate, escalate & lead a relationship.
Initiating, leading & escalating are still usually expected to be the man’s role.
You could be hiding in outer Mongolia under an underground layer and Courtney would show up and say oh there you are let me give you some advice
Clarity is rare I agree with You
Love that you made a short of this one because I was watching it last night, and it is SO. GOOD! 🙌 👏
Thank you so much! 🥰
@@CourtneyRyan 🤗
Girl always comes with the wisdom and classiness.
You’re so kind, thank you!!
This video is a great example of women putting more responsibility on men than on themselves. Men want the same thing from women. This is advice for everyone.
Women, if you want to ACTUALLY help men with dating then make the first move and ask them out.
My content is for men (96% male audience) so that’s who I write my videos for. But yes, women should consider these things as well 🥰
That makes sense that your audience would be mostly men since your target audience is men. I have taken a few minutes to watch more of your videos and glance over some comments. What I find interesting is that there are men in your comments on many of your videos that are saying the same thing as me: your advice does or should apply to both men and women. It makes me wonder honestly if the problem with the men you’re trying to help is that they’re buying into the idea that they have to step up without really talking about what kind of woman worth stepping for or how to figure out if she’s worth the effort.
Great editing, too! It plays very naturally. Saved this for reference! ❤🎉
Yay, thank you!
I’m single by choice. Dating most modern women today is more of a chore. They demand everything from you while feeling entitled that they aren’t required to do much. Getting offended by going 50/50 on dinner dates but saying you’re “strong and independent” is insane.
🤔🤔 *Broke up with my girlfriend today*
It’s cool though, she said we can still be cousins.
Sweet home Alabama
🤔🤔 *First woman on the Moon:*
“Houston, we have a problem.”
“Never mind”
What’s the problem?
Please tell us?
“You know what the problem is.”
Taking leadership and making decision is the most important!
To the day.
All the quality women I k ow are spoken fot.
Fidjing a woman who is wife material is hard. Plebty of women with rubbish attitudes and so much drama or baggage from their prior relationships.
If only more traditional ladies were out there
Dating takes work on both sides.
I can’t believe some guys still question Courtney’s motives. Obviously, she’s just the kind of woman that wants to spread joy and happiness and improve lives.
Thanks, Courtney!
It’s my pleasure!!
Clarity is needed from both parties.
👏👏👏👏 Thank you so much..