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Are You Forcing a Relationship with the Wrong Person? Look for These 4 Signs… Relationship Advice

Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and the 4 signs you might be forcing a relationship with the wrong person.

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🔎 Learn more about Communication with Men

3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

What to Say When a ? Vanisher? Comes Back

Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove

Andrew McLaurin

  • @oladuntan5547 says:

    I need this today!!!

  • @jay-andelatorre4784 says:

    Waiting for this❤

  • @empresstazwu1558 says:

    It’s hard to know what to do after getting out of a domestic violent situations even harder on how to read people. Ur just so use to pouring everything into the other person’s cup ur trying so hard because u want it perfect

  • @anitaamarissa says:

    Yep that’s why I got out of it. 💜

  • @TameraReynoldson says:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I needed to hear this!

  • @deliapasqualini970 says:

    What a video, man. What a teaching, what awakening. Well done, man❤.

  • @TheDWZemke says:

    How does this work the other way around? She is a widow I am a widower. We both love our lost partners. We both a high sex drive but it has been in check for years. After a heavy petting secession, the next morning she did not want to even kiss me, after she showed. We have taken off two weekends in a row. She responds to all of my texts quickly (I send just several a week) and matches my effort in texting. I know she is concerned about feelings she is having. Was never a break up to make up guy… Never happened in my entire dating career but thinking about the options I have… Do not want to force it.. thoughts?

    • @MyVlogTherapy says:

      That’s tough, the language you expressed sounds like it’s mostly about the physical aspect, instead of building safety, deeper connection, and a new start between the two of you, if that’s built then she’ll feel safer to open up and connect. Good luck.

    • @TheDWZemke says:

      @@MyVlogTherapy I did leave that part out. Good catch on your side. Our dates are usually scheduled of just one event. A meal or a tour..etc. but always end up using just chatting for sometimes up to 10 hours… We both want to get a great foundation in place. Thanks for your attention.

  • @JK-tl2pe says:

    I also need this today! Thank you!

  • @MikeWangCoaching says:

    One of my personal indicators is feeling like we’re working together as a team, rather than against each other…supporting, building, and growing together.

  • @JK-tl2pe says:

    After 6 years, I just let go last evening. He stopped reciprocating and initiating. However, at 69 years old, is there still someone out there?

  • @annecorbe1122 says:

    It took me four years to realize that my gut instinct within three months is true! Let go at the first red flag. My health immediately improved greatly after my cortisol went down when we finally broke up. It’s difficult but it takes true maturity to face our demons.

  • @Jamie-b4z says:

    12 minutes of things I definitely needed to hear. Thank you Mat.

  • @hollywisconsin says:

    such good information I was wondering about!

  • @keishamariedouglas says:

    Omg! Mat just explained all my last relationships-wait situationships! 😢😢😢😢

  • @Mayfloweralways says:

    It took my ex cheating years ago to shake me from doing this. I kept saying to myself, “he acts like that because he’s insecure. He said he’s been hurt so he’ll change when he sees my effort and that he can trust me. I just need to show him that i’m a safe place to be.” The truth is a lot of men have learned lies that allow them to weaponize sympathy. And even if they’re telling the truth, we’ve all been hurt and wronged. We’ve all been busy. And we still prioritize the important things in our lives. If someone is crazy about you, they don’t need to be coddled. They will show up for you because they want you to be as happy as you make them.

  • @roxannewatson5797 says:

    Just didn’t work out very sad but it’s done❤❤❤❤

  • @Brooklyngirl822 says:

    You always say what everyone needs to hear 😉

  • @all-timebeat2008 says:

    There is an actual science behind why some people manifest wealth effortlessly while others struggle for years. It’s not luck, it’s about how your subconscious interprets vibrational frequency. I never understood this until I read Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. It breaks down the psychology behind manifestation in a way that finally made sense to me

  • @sudipdua1467 says:

    I’ve been experimenting with manifestation techniques, and something strange keeps happening. When I focus more on the vibrational frequency instead of just positive thinking, things actually start manifesting. I just finished reading Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and it explains exactly why this happens. Has anyone else noticed this in their own life?

  • @RetyShaw says:

    Incredible video A month ago, my five-year romantic life ended. It truly bothers me when someone I love decides to end their relationship with me. Despite the fact that it’s all for nothing, I’ve tried everything to win him back, and I can’t picture my life without him. Despite my best efforts, I still find myself missing him and thinking about him frequently. I’m not sure why I’m saying this.

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