Could His Ex-Wife Ruin Our Relationship? Can I Trust Him?
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– Could His Ex Wife Ruin Your Relationship? Can I Trust Him?
I think she’d try to reel him back in just to prove she could ( not because she actually wants him…. )Because he wasn’t EVER supposed to remarry ( took him 10 years) she expected him to go to his grave carrying a torch for her Narcissistic rear end.
WHY would you want this mess in your life?
Totally agree
Agree 100%
I lost my husband 6 years ago. After a few years I started dating and have had 3 serious relationships. Ex’s ruined the first two. They wouldn’t leave those men alone. Always some crisis with the children. They weren’t even the Fathers! They were all divorced. However they were close with the children. The man I’m with now for 16 months he also struggled with his ex’s but has made a commitment to us. We are happy and are now living together.
Forcing him to watch his own grandchild?!? No ma’am…..don’t be delusional. If it’s his grandkids he is doing it to help and not because his ex-wife is making him.
I think she’s wanting him to move in with her so she can have a hold on him so he won’t go with the ex wife mabe.. and if he has no financial stability he could take advantage of her.. plus there are things about him that are being hidden by him. He blames everyone else for the reason his relationships didn’t work out.. RUN
. Lol
Run, you don’t know anything about him and these are red flags to me.
I don’t like the sound of him either
4 dates and this… 😮
This women doesn’t even no this man.😂
Again I’m just astounded by the thought patterns of some of the women who follow this channel (often seems to be the regular followers too). What I heard here is a woman who has had 4 dates with a stranger discussing him moving in and being over- concerned in his family and financial life. First , everything about the family drama is from him, a man you don’t know. Second…it’s not really your business yet. Third, why are you over involved and over-thinking and future planning with a person after 4 dates?. I can see massive evidence here that this lady has plenty of experience of being in or actually creating toxic relationships. I wish women would work on themselves instead of working on desperately finding dates!
It’s true, we need to be careful about rushing into things.
Totally agree I also don’t believe what he has said or how she is perceives what he says about the ex there grandchildren there should be shared help I bet she’s not forcing him to do it. This is disaster I would run
Also I am astounded at some women too desperate for anyone they will put up with anything from men I had to stop watching not because of Jonathan but due to the women being stupid especially in our age group should have enough experience by now it drives me crazy 😂😂
She sounds desperate. The guy is a loser and considers his ex as family. Just wish him good luck snd bye. She will never be his priority, why force it?
If you let that loser move in with you, you will regret it after three weeks and then you’ll never be able to get rid of him.
My sister laid down the with her husbands ex. She tried to hit on him calling for help fixing her car. Sister said uh uh. She needs to find her own “ mechanic “.
Too much baggage dump him. You deserve better!
I like her, My mind goes to that it is convenient how he plays it like his ex wife gifts him a home and 4 women wanted to marry him, Hmmm, What are the odds> Also, convenient that he has an every other week disappearing act, I don’t buy it..Just my 2 cents,
100% agree. I think the guy is full of it and a major loser.
Let’s just take it slow?? Heard that before 😮
Guy say slow/see where goes = other is an option/companion/meets needs and NOT for connection of feelings/future/investment/care. He not have financial security…he has own home with family conditions and he would not leave/move out to be with her. Maybe she would be moving in with him.Techinically, he already a ‘kept’ man by his ex.
Good advice Jonathon
Spot on JA
🌷 Thanx Mr. J. A. – Good suggestions ;-). Plus… at the end you do good hugs lol. My best to you and yours.
Thanks for watching! 😊
If he tells you he wants to take it slow it’s not going to happen he doesn’t want you to move on
Love the advice❤