Andrew McLaurin

  • @Lovejoy..77 says:


  • @thehindukushheights says:

    Woww.. what an eyes-bodyLanguage you got Anna.. your words work like sweet and innocent witchcraft.. how appealing your body as well as eyes-language is.. how convincing you are.. how easy your tone and tongue is…clear words, easily understandable and pulling ones ears like a powerful magnet of love and attraction.. I hope you have a Ph.D degree in psychology and if not yet, then you deserve it, strongly deserve at least an Honorary degree but in my point of view, you deserve to be awarded the proposed honour.. but I suggest two degrees of honour.. one for the rest of you and the other for your appealing and convincing and understanding eyes… I would like to suggest you to think about recording one video in black dress with Gothic type blackened eyes.. belive me you will stun all your viewers worldwide, especially in Pakistan…❤

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