Not Sure He Likes you? Do This. #dating #attraction #love

If you’re unsure whether someone likes you, you have to move the energy. Staying in limbo for months or years won’t give you answers—taking action will. #datingtips #relationshiptips

Andrew McLaurin

  • @mhal2 says:

    How does one “move the energy”?

  • @VS-fo9py says:

    The caption says “do this” what is the “this”

  • @DaisyPeel says:

    Yeah, clip is too short, doesn’t get to the point or have a link to the longer version

  • @tammyankabrandt4794 says:

    So too afraid to ask? I’ve heard you shouldn’t ask. Where are we or what are we or anything? So what is a girl supposed to do? Been friends with a guy for almost 5 years. We’ve been more than friends, but I think he’s still getting his life together and needs to. He’s always said he’s not getting married but yet he’s been talking about marriage and things. So what’s an okay question to ask a guy or should I just step back like I have which then he seems to step up more.

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