The only death we can bring someone back from

How does a relationship with a narcissist change you? Listen closely to what grief expert @davidkesslerongrief reveals. It’s one of the most incredibly hopeful things you will ever hear. Don’t miss this powerful conversation in full on The Dr. Ramani Network

Andrew McLaurin

  • @sandrasoler3976 says:

    Omg this made me cry as well because it’s so true!!!

  • @leilagomulka5690 says:

    Wow. Thank you. And your podcast brings me back to life. 🙏 It has revived the me in me♥️♥️♥️

  • @WisconsinWanderer says:

    wow that is THE most profound statement i’ve ever heard dealing with narcissistic abuse in my life. It sure does fit! Thank you 😊

  • @kkryz says:

    I agree with some of this… I think the reason it gets to me is because some people haven’t come back from it. Narcissistic abuse has dampened lives. Narcissistic abuse has caused major mental illnesses and physical.

  • @bluerosesecrets says:

    This really resonates with me. I actually came to this very same realization last night, and I mourned the death of who I used to be. I realized that it felt like another identity entirely, and one that was lost. Thank you for this. This is actually quite hopeful. I’m trying to come back from that death everyday. Maybe one day I can return, and be better and stronger for it. Thank you.

    • @Happy-rl1mh says:

      Je me joins à vous dans cet espoir de retrouver notre Moi original qui nous a été volé. Grace à Dr Ramani que j’ai écoutée pendant, 4 jours non stop, ses vidéos en 2020 que j’ai compris que ma mère pratiquait un long “silent treatment”et que c’est une narcissique. Cela m’a soulagée de mettre enfin un nom sur ma relation avec elle. En France on dit “perversion narcissique”. Malgré la demande de ma psychologue à l’époque de “no contact” j’ai préféré le “Gray rock” mais c’était une erreur car sa nuisance a continué par des mensonges et diffamation. En gardant une relation à minima, mon Moi ne pouvait ressusciter. J’ai coupé les ponts l’année dernière. C’est le seul moyen de pouvoir revenir d’entre les morts . Merci de votre témoignage et merci de m’avoir lu.

  • @usèr1234-x1o says:

    Poignant and poetically beautiful.
    Thankyou ❤

  • @lesabrydson2526 says:

    I am literally being raised from the dead that the narcissist demon 👿 thought he and his narcissist adulteress and their flying monkey s had won the battle of evil against me….I am alive and strong. Powerful Persevering in Prayers Psalms 1-150🙏👑🇯🇲🙌❤❤

  • @dk5755 says:

    Thank you for sharing this. It is so true and validating what I’ve felt but couldn’t put words on it. 🥰

  • @mgroliveira says:

    That’s how I feel right now: resurfacing, resuracting. But that doesn’t mean that from time to time I can’t sink, after taking a hit from a wave. However, I feel increasingly confident that I will be able to swim to the shore – thanks to educational videos like this one. Immense gratitude.

    • @summacumsoap8983 says:

      Well put. . I feel like this still sometimes when I get a blast from the past toxic sister. I will picture myself holding on and swimming to shore, as I expect a hoover soon due to a birthday. 💜🕊️🙏

  • @rosiep7337 says:

    Wow this is the best statement I have heard which gives me hope that I can one day be my true self. I grew up with narcissistic parents and seem to have attracted narcissistic partners so I have never found out who the real me is. This gives me hope.

    • @BeachPeach2010 says:

      Same. I always felt like I had Loser tattooed on my forehead. Working on changing my point of attraction and listening to my inner being.

  • @WritingArcadia says:

    It is a beautifully and profoundly true statement.

  • @sbelcher4651 says:

    My mind is reeling at the message and the timing. I absolutely needed to hear this in my current recovery stage – especially coming to terms of being child of CovNarc mother. Bookmarking.

  • @ddilly9825 says:

    Wow! It was a really hard afternoon thanks to toxic family. I really needed to hear this, thank you.

  • @docnine45 says:

    For me it was a little too literal. It affected me so much health wise that I ended up in the hospital and almost didn’t make it out alive. It’s not lost on me now two years later that her ex-husband ended up in the hospital and almost dying when they were together. Which just makes me think about things I would rather not. I’m still recovering from it now. So much so I think I’ll be taking a couple more years off from relationships.

  • @jokendrick2124 says:

    So true. I hung on at the edge for sooo many years until my husband died and set me free to be me again. I never totally lost myself but was fascinated by how much I realized I had.. lost of myself. I no longer have to compromise myself at all.

  • @josephineorellana8486 says:

    Perfectly said!! I used to liken the relationship to being in a coma. Life was still going on around me, but I felt like I had no control over anything, not even my own body. When I finally ‘awakened’ and realized he was a narc, I became the real me again, but a stronger, wiser version of myself that had never existed before!! I am so glad he’s gone, and life is wonderful without him!! And bonus, I really love myself now!! No one will ever do that to me again, for I am too precious!! We all are too precious!!❤❤

  • @orielwiggins2225 says:

    It’s hard to feel like this is possible most days. But I think the thing that gives me hope is not feeling like I’m every gonna get back who I was, that person is gone. And I need to grieve her. But the new me will come back the same way a caterpillar has to die and all that they were is gone, but something different can emerge. Or a Phoenix rising from the ashes. it’s not the same as before, but the real me under it all will come back from the dead, changed and perhaps a bit worn out, but still alive and perhaps a bit more discerning and wise. Have to grieve the lost innocence, investment, health, years, youth, etc. None of that is coming back. But me, the core of me is still there somwhere.

  • @angelsone111 says:

    This is exactly what I have experienced. But after death there is resurrection. There is much loss and deep grief realizing I invested so much time and energy into the eternal emptiness of the narcissists who have dominated my life since childhood.

    Now at the age of 70 I have reclaimed my authenticity through my connection with God instead of false connection with narcissists.

    I lived in an inverse world.

    Now it is right side up.

    Great video!

  • @janinejansevanvuuren7954 says:

    This channel has helped me heal from narcissistic trauma wounds. Only someone who has been through it can understand it. I have never been able to find help from therapy because they really just don’t understand it on a personal level. That is why Dr Ramani’s input is so valuable. She understands it.

  • @reneekalanui2920 says:

    Truth, brother. Come back from the dead. Similar to this profound observation: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you’re at and change the ending” – C.S. Lewis

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